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  • Company Name

    TY S&T

  • Date of Establishment


  • CEO

    Taeyoung Kim

  • Address

    26-18, Junam-ro 503beon-gil, Daesan-myeon, Uichang-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea

  • Land/ Floor Space

    Land 3,306m2 – Factory 1,835m2 / Office 198m2

  • Employees

    15 (Management: 6, On-Site: 9)

  • Process Status

    Running 3 tinted painting lines

  • Laboratory

    Certified R&D department

  • Certification

    - ISO:9001/ISO:14001 patents

    - Korean patents (process, equipment)

    - HYUNDAI · KIA MOTOR GROUP SQ certified

Key Products

Key Products Tinted Stainless Steel
Mobility Maker HYUNDAI · KIA Motors, Renault Korea Motors, etc.
Key Partners POSCO Mobility Solution HYUNDAI BNG Steel
Annual Production 750 ton 750 ton


  • Factory Exterior View

  • Factory Interior View

  • Workplace Location